Thursday, November 18, 2010


It hurts when you are ignored. You feel still left alone when that special person doesn’t cherish you though the world praises you. Its hard to taste your own love when ignored.  When its pain for me it’s passing cloud for others but things are different when its from your own. Iam away in distance but i didn’t feel that till you ignored for few moments that to be cherished. Something special for me is just a thing for you and some sweet words from you is taken  away in vein ...

I know no one will understand this but still Ignore it...

Sunday, November 14, 2010


There is just one thing I would like to say one thing
  Before i close my eye and walk away...
There is just one thing I would like to say one thing
  Before is Iam far away from you
There is just one thing I would like to say one thing 
  Before i go into ashes
There is just one thing I would like to say one thing
  Before Iam nomore for anyone

Please dont forget me
Please dont regret me
Please dont hate me
Please dont doubt me
Please dont forget to remember me

Because I dont love anyone as I loved you
I dont remember anyony as i adored you
I kill myself to miss you in my life
Love you more than ever when  i fell in love
dono why i cry when you are happy on someones arms
dono why i love you blind
I know i wont get the warmth of you hugs
I know i wont get those kisses that drives me out
And days will go in pain from time till now

There is just one thing I would like to say one thing ........... Even if you dont think me please dont try to forget me love ................................

Monday, October 11, 2010


Rose............ my dear rose  ur symbol of  romance  when your single , happiness in bunches and sorrow in garland how many expressions do u have in you even after ur death . Never thought your pain when your clinched off your stem .forgive us because we cant express ourselves when we r alive but we kill u to express our feelings ....... what can i do???? here is a rose for you to show my sympathy on you

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Love vs money in my life

Love Vs Money = ?

Life seems to be filled with desire . Its we the human cattle , filled with exceeding Dreams and desire in search of something which is nothing. I am one among the many but i regret that  i could have been  on the other side of what Iam .

       All I gained in this journey to the fuckin great britain is nothing to be frank, One thing i can pick out is some pictures portraying the false nature of present nature of life. I have undergone many turmoils inside me . It really hurts when my mom hides something from me and me doing the same ,thinking not to hurt each other and i dont know if at this point i lost the real nature of a son and mother . Funny everyone loose a great part of life thinking everyone is happy on the other end. Its like a illusion imagining the existence of everything out of nothing. Iv lost many pounds from my wallet and body yet fighting back to get it . Its this £ which stops me from going into my moms lap, my loves hug and some inexpensive affection. Has money under rated my love ,affection and humanity in me. I dont know to balance both . Will it be too late for me to take an action against my present considering past or am I loosing the present considering my future . No one knows but i would like to tell my loved once from this blog that Iam not happy here without u all and it cant be filled in my life without you all. Love you all

With  KESH

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Email to god

I doubt on your existence ... People say ur great but no one knows how selfish you are .. You send some one gifted never bothering about the many in tears . Gifting the gifted and betraying  the needed is your hobby. Always choose someone to play by breaking their inner confidence and expecting to potray you for your inner happiness . Dont expect me to do it u greedy fellow . You stay in heaven to see me cry? I knew if your heaven is heavenly then no one will dare to live here in this hell and they would have queued up . People are ignorant to accept the truth that Earth is hell and you are the king. You took my Happiness, Pride, Love and peacefulness. Made me cry feel bad . You did not win unless Iam dead  .... You are a big DASH Mr GOD.

                                                                                                                   Yours Lovingly 
                                                                                                                    Looser Kesh 

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Iam quite busy loosing everything ... even my image in the mirror taunts me,Hiding my tears makes my life like an island ... yes iam surrounded by tears in no man island. I might get rescued but iam afraid if thats a trap for a bigger test ..I am a hard hitter of failure which iam always used to be  but god doesnt realize that i need a break else i would break down fore ever .... They say god gives difficulties only to those who can handle it but if thats gods thoughts please understand i cant take more .. give me some time, very few minutes of happiness n smile else take me to hell ....i dont want heaven i dont mind hell but not this earth ...please dont label me as a looser for life.

Friday, September 10, 2010


There where days when i was dreaming to become an CEO of a reputed company . It was my mother india who game me those wise and honorable  vision . Now bloody hell iam looking for a part time in a graveyard of my ambition and dreams........

Thank you Great Britain 

Friday, September 3, 2010

MOM i love u

This is a travel (Imaginary before birth till death) considering me and my mom...

                        BELOVED  AMMA..........

                 I was just like a bullet shot by "god" into the deep blue sky, flying day and night. I was completely blind without knowing my destination. Weeping round the clock for "Love".
               "No care”, “No food" and "No shelter" just wondering like an orphan. On seeing the earth, fear encircled my path badly. I know the earth is a place dominated with some dangerous creatures like human being who use their vital weapons like tongue & mind to hurt hearts.
               Those days were too hot and nights were too cold for me to survive, I didn’t know what my shape, size, colour, texture and relations were gonna be. I was really worried how my fate would be in future.
               I felt a warm breeze that made me change from what I was experiencing, YES!! I saw a wonderful couple looking each other deep into their eye with great passion and love. They had a lot of dreams about their future, where I saw my future in it
              Then I realized they were the apt couple to take care of me. In a sparkling moment I fell in love with them just like a teenager, I knew that I was chosen brick to fill the gap in their future palace. I didn’t take any options, decided to be their son. Then I begged the almighty to show his mercy & I was blessed as I wished.
              As I was pleased by his blessings I fell into a deep sleep. When I woke up I found myself on the earth, but I couldn`t realize that place, "was it a heaven in this hell?" Then I realised, that was my place, created for me alone,
              Yes!!   "My mother’s womb”. I didn`t know that the pain that I had was hunger, I was fed for the first time by my mom. Later on I was given a shape that made me feel the
              No words could explain my thoughts and feelings about my heaven. It was just like a magic room, usually gifted people get what they desire, but I was more lucky to enjoy all before I desire.
              I didn`t feel the scotchy sun and pricking chillness she was experiencing .Felt that I was safe for the first time in my life. I also didn`t know that my heaven was the only place where I could be safe. Days and night she was awake to look after me, I was ruling my heaven happly,riding my chariot around my water world, looking at the people on earth shedding blood as sweat to get that sofestications,food,shelter and peace of mind that I was experiencing by my mother.
              Being a heavy headed king of heaven, I decided to see my creator, it was not that god who let me like an orphan, but it was my beautiful parents. I decided to see my mom`s face before I step into this earth, just like a vecation.I let my head and peeped where I saw her screaming with pain. On seeing me she smiled ,her eyes were filled with happyness.I didn`t know that she did not want me to be afraid on seeing her cry, she swallowed her pains and gave me that pleasure of seeing her with a smiling face.
              I saw my dad standing beside her, majestically like a complete man. I was filled with joy. I thought of taking both of them back to my heaven, but things were different. The climate was hurting me, people around me started handling me like a puppet, keeping nicknames and showing silly gestures which made me laugh at those crazy humans.

Then I realized that was the earth, I was not a king anymore. No heaven, no security except one hope that was my parents. Fear engulfed me again as before.
                 "Mom how am I gona survive in this cruel world? How can my dreams come true?"I was surrounded with plenty of questions which made me panic, I know I can’t create a heaven for me anymore.
                "Mom to be frank, if I had known that I never go back to my heaven then I would have never come out"
                 She threw me up in the air but I was happy and not afraid because I knew she would hold me safely because for me the true meaning of care, affection, trust and safety was my mom. I didn`t know that the blood which runs in me was hers, hope she knew that I would be afraid on seeing blood red so she turned it into her hearts color and fed me.
                I am afraid of teenage as it is the number one worst part in our life, at this age people find more value for flesh than affection. I was afraid that one day she might be worried on seeing another women showing her affection on me, I knew that was not jelousy.Its the blind affection that she has on me, Young women around me were mindblowing,but she was not weighed on that balance. She`s the most perfect women who is beautiful both internally and externally. There is no instrument to value you mom.
                At present she has extended her support, care affection, tears and guidance as a ladder for me to reach the peak. I know she has done her part perfect and would still extend her ladder for me to climb, but I won’t let it break as she has supported beyond her now it’s time for you to breath for yourself and see our heaven built.
               One day I may earn more money to keep our family happy by providing  luxury,comfort,care and so onnnnnn.......all people would be truly happy but I knew my mom would still shed tears thinking my work and sweat behind that and I know she would feel than any others in this world.
               I ruined her happiness at her young age; I gave her the pain of death during my birth. Made her week by drinking her blood as milk. Swept her beauty, increased her responsibilities. She enjoyed the pain I gave her when she fed me milk; she cried for my pain even not knowing the reason, though I stole her sleep she papered me with love and care.
              She`s with me all the time, both time and her hair had turned grey but how come she`s still the same? The affection she has in me is still younger than my strength and confidence. Her hands might be shaky but not that love she has on me.
              Still she`s fighting hard to bring back my heaven, She knows that it`s not possible but the affection she has on me makes her blind to make her do this.
              A day may come when the soul that fed me would be fed by the soil. I am not a kid to realize her part in my life. She sculpted me since I was in her womb till now, All I pray god is to take me ahead of her, So that I might take another birth and get her as my child and that could be the only way to repay her sacrifices she did for me. Mother’s sacrifices can’t be repaid in this single birth. I would show the heaven that she had shown to me and Ile make sure that she stays in that heaven forever.
          I know my absence would give her the deadliest pain she have ever experienced but....I know she would take that pain open hearted, If she comes to know that her absence would truly make me dead. Sacrifice is motherly quality, so my dear mom give me a chance to keep you happy. I would have wounded you many times in words, make you cry, feel bad about me. I did all this because I know that you’re the only soul to whom I could show this and still you would be with me...Forgive me if I had hurted you mom, with love your son Karthikesh........


There are many hearts let down as unnoticed island surrounded by tears ...  Then why do we fall in love ... share your affection and love with everyone and I regret people choose one person to dump their love... Thats always good if it has an happy ending and iam afraid not many love stories have an happy ending so dont stress yourself and loose yourself. cheers be happy friends ...